Aug 17, 2017

Tori “Yeet” Rummel was a counselor at Hermann Sons Life Camp this past summer. She shared some of her thoughts on Camp: Hermann Sons Life Camp is a place like no other. The positive and sometimes silly atmosphere...

Aug 10, 2017

I dropped my granddaughter off for her first week at Camp on Sunday. I never imagined myself saying those words. It seems just yesterday that my children were campers. The atmosphere at Camp was like a gathering of friends. I...

Aug 02, 2017

Hermann Sons Life positively impacts lives and some of the most apparent ways we see this is through our numerous member benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the data from 2016 that makes this even more clear. ...

Jul 31, 2017

Does your lodge have an upcoming community service event? Would your lodge like help from our Hermann Sons Life Home Office to promote your event? If you answered “yes” to the above questions then we need your help! ...

Jul 28, 2017

It is always amazing when you are able to turn a dream into a reality. That is exactly what we did earlier this month when we hosted the first ever Grief Support Session at Hermann Sons Life Camp. I am...

Jul 13, 2017

Activities are one of the best parts of Camp. Campers have the opportunity to take part in activities they love as well as experience some new activities. The Camp staff is constantly working to develop new activities we think campers...

Jul 03, 2017

With the risk of this blog becoming stale, I want to offer some final thoughts on the 47th Grand Lodge Convention held May 1-3 in San Marcos. This Convention was an active and busy event for the 260-plus delegates who...

Jun 29, 2017

Founded on the principle that we should help each other in times of need, one important way we strengthen community is through service. Service is a key distinguisher of our business model. Lodges across the state continue to provide value...

Jun 20, 2017

Have you ever been to Deanville, Texas? I hadn’t until just recently when I attended the Hermann Sons Deanville Lodge meeting on June 4. The lodge building has a lot of history and when I arrived, a very large...


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