May 11, 2017

When Vice President of Member Benefits Kim Krueger first told me that Hermann Sons had chosen grief support services as its focused service cause, I thought it was a wonderful idea. Then when she told me that we would like...

May 08, 2017

One of my favorite memories as a camper was right after lunch when we would go back to our cabins and the counselors would hand out our mail. When I was a camper we had to wait for the snail...

May 04, 2017

The Grief Support Session at our Camp is being held July 5-8. This session came to fruition as part of Hermann Sons’ focused service cause of grief support. The camp session is for children, members and non-members, ages 6 to 17...

Apr 27, 2017

Did you know that Hermann Sons-Camp has been accredited through the American Camp Association (ACA) for almost 20 years? Did you know that there are currently only 1,554 accredited resident camps in the United States? Did you know that Hermann Sons-Camp...

Apr 25, 2017

Did you ever have a job that didn’t feel like a job? I mean do you love the work you do so much that it doesn’t feel like work? That’s the way I felt...

Apr 19, 2017

Back in 2002 Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, at that time her title was Fraternal Activities Coordinator, and Lee Vogel, the man who was Grand Vice President-Fraternal at the time, started a group for junior members called the Future Club. Its...

Apr 13, 2017

If you have been reading our newspaper or perusing our website, you have likely seen a lot of references to our Convention. In just a few weeks, the Grand Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Hermann will be...

Apr 06, 2017

A Board of Directors will be elected at the 47th Grand Lodge Convention in May, pending approval of proposed law changes by delegates. Electing directors to the board is the ultimate and most important example of a representative form of...

Mar 29, 2017

Wow, where has the time gone? Seems like it hasn’t been four years since the last Grand Lodge Convention, but here it is. The 47th Grand Lodge Convention is upon us in only one month. Soon we will...


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