Financial Strength

We’re financially strong and doing good work with members’ money.

For generations, our valued members have looked to us to provide life insurance protection and financial investment opportunities. Using the same conservative perspective that has guided our leaders for decades,
our officers strive to invest in stable portfolios. The financial condition of our organization allows us to take unforeseen emergencies in stride, and to meet all obligations as they come due.

Financial Statement Summary as of 12/31/2023
Admitted Assets
Liabilities and Policy Reserves
Insurance in Force
Gross Surplus

Hermann Sons Life holds a Financial Stability Rating® (FSR) of S, Substantial from Demotech, Inc. 

Solvency Ratio

A wide margin of assets over liabilities can be a significant safety factor.
This ratio indicates financial soundness and the company's ability to meet all financial obligations.

Hermann Sons Life’s Solvency Ratio is $102.67.

Home Office – 800-234-4124.