Being prepared during difficult times can help get you and your family through the most stressful moments. Just as protecting your loved ones with life insurance shows them how much you love and care for them, keeping important documents and information organized and accessible will also help ease their minds in a crisis. Hermann Sons Life is here to help you through the process. The Hermann Sons Life “My Estate Planning Organizer” will help you keep track of life’s essential information and documents. You can fill out the forms online and then print or print the forms and then fill out to create your own complete estate planning organizer. 

The sections include:
Documentation – record your important personal information and documents
Assets – record information regarding your assets and financial records
Online Access – record information needed to access accounts, social sharing and more on all your devices
My Arrangements – provides information on your final wishes and arrangements

The forms are fillable, so you can fill out the forms online and then print, or just print the blank forms.

Cover sheet - click here to print the cover for your organizer

DOCUMENTATION forms - click here

ASSETS forms - click here

ONLINE ACCOUNTS forms - click here

FINAL ARRANGEMENTS forms - click here

Fill out the forms as completely as possible. Review annually and keep information up-to-date. Keep in a safe, easily accessible location. Let your family know where it is located and give a copy of all completed forms to your executor. 

If you store information on a computer, note the computer and file location, type of software used and name of the file. Keep a backup copy in a safe place. 

For questions, please call 800-234-4124, ext. 272.

Please click only once

My Estate Planning Organizer