November 16, 2016
New Opportunities

When I was camp director one of my responsibilities was selecting the counseling staff. Choosing the best people to care for our children was of the utmost importance. A turning point in that process was when we wondered what would happen if we changed the way we looked at past campers. When we did, something wonderful happened – the Counselor-in-Training program was born and would forever change the way we recruit staff.

Profound improvement through change is happening in our organization today that will bring about new opportunities well into the future. Our choice of one name, the introduction of a new visual identity and explaining who we are in a clearer way helps communicate our unique message to members and the public. These deliberate and tested improvements are needed so that we may attract new members and strengthen community in even greater ways. I am excited about the way we’re defining our brand and thank the Branding Working Group, Home Office staff, agents and members who were influential in honoring who we are as an organization through the definition of our brand.

But even more is happening within the governance of the organization.The Grand Committee (our Board of Directors) and Laws Committee are recommending changes that will modernize the way we do business and allow us to be current in our decision making while remaining proud and respectful of history and dedicated to member voice. It’s not just about making improvements; it’s about doing what is necessary and in the best interest of our organization. These changes will be considered by delegates to the Grand Lodge Convention in May.

Three years ago an internal task force was appointed to investigate ways to modernize how we do business. One of the immediate needs identified was an increase in the base of qualified candidates for the Board of Directors since the base has been declining through the years. When you increase the base of qualified candidates, you have the opportunity for more diverse perspectives which can in turn stimulate growth. With this in mind, it is proposed that candidates for consideration to the Board can be delegates or non-delegates to the convention.In short, any member who meets minimum qualifications can run for the Board of Directors.

We are seeking candidates who have:

A commitment to and understanding of Hermann Sons Life, its members and the fraternal system, preferably based on experience,

Personal qualities of integrity, credibility and a passion for improving the lives of members,

Extensive professional experience with significant executive leadership accomplishments in business, government or the nonprofit sector, and

The desire and energy to actively participate in and contribute to meetings and other assignments.

Learn more about Board candidacy and apply.

I also am excited about our focused service cause. Grief support is a perfect fit for our organization and is something our lodges and members already do naturally. By focusing on this cause, we will have the opportunity to do even greater good. I thank the lodges and members who have already supported this cause through donations of time and money and hope all members will join in support of future grief support endeavors.

The other officers are just as excited as I am about these improvements and opportunities. We’ve been sharing the information about brand definition, stimulating lodge engagement through local lodge governance improvements, our focused service cause and Grand Lodge governance at leadership summits across the state. When asked about these improvements, one ambassador said that she “thought it was all good and necessary.” Another ambassador said, “Change is good! This is exciting!” And there were numerous additional comments made in the same vein.

The overwhelmingly positive response makes me proud to be leading an organization comprised of people who see the importance of embracing the improvements that will lead us into a successful future.

I, along with the Grand Committee, believe we must make the necessary improvements to keep our beloved organization strong and relevant for our members today and tomorrow. It is the greatest way we will strengthen community.

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